
Not getting you mail? Maybe one of your settings are off.  if your mail was working fine yesterday wait one day its possible the mail server is down and its not your fault at all.

1. Open Internet Explorer

2. Along the top option bar click TOOLS, and scroll to ACCOUNTS

outlook pic1

3. Notice MAIL is highlighted in the white window. Single click MAIL so its its highlighted. Then click on PROPERTIES

outlook pic2

4. Click on GENERAL TAB. Notice where it says "mail" type in mail all in lower case in this box. Name is just what ever you want and of coarse your E-mail address.

outlook pic3

5. VERY IMPORTANT! All this information is how your computer talks to the servers.

  • Incoming Mail Server - POP3
  • Incoming mail - mail
  • Outgoing mail - mail
  • Account Name - what ever you picked
  • Password - what ever yours is.

6. Click on CONNECTION TAB. Its possible yours may look different here. Simply make sure you have it set to CONNECTING to a NETWORK or LAN. As long as this is checked you are fine.  Any software you setup should always be setup to connect to a LAN for @HOME

7. Click on SECURITY TAB. Make sure nothing is checked here.

8. Click ADVANCED TAB Make sure everything is unchecked.

  • Outgoing Mail - 25
  • Incoming Mail - 110

9. Click APPLY then OK Send your self a a test message and see if it comes in. Remember you have to hit the button SEND/REC in order to retrieve your mail

If all your settings are correct and your still not getting mail then its possible the @Home Mail Servers are down. I would wait 1 day and see if they come back on-line. If still no mail one day later I would then call tech support. When calling tech support make sure you tell the technician to make a ticket so they have something recorded that you called.

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